Beyond Standard Measures: Crafting an Inclusive Evaluation Tool for Special Education Teachers in Self-Contained Settings




Educational transformation, Individualized instruction, Self-contained classroom, Special education evaluation, Special education teacher accountability


Self-contained special education teacher evaluations are investigated in this study. The perceptions of special education teachers and building administrators are explored and the suitability of standard teacher evaluation tools, such as the Marzano Teacher Evaluation System, for special education teachers in self-contained classrooms are discussed. This study highlights the significant gap in these tools’ relevance and efficacy due to the unique challenges and individualized instruction required in special education settings. The study utilizes a quantitative survey method to gather perceptions from teachers and administrators, revealing widespread dissatisfaction with current evaluation processes and a lack of alignment with special education needs. Results indicate a pressing need for tailored evaluation frameworks that accurately reflect the pedagogical realities of special education. The article advocates for reforming evaluation systems to foster professional growth and improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities, thus transforming the approach to educator accountability and development in specialized teaching environments.


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