Integration of Block-Based Coding Activities Prepared for Preschool Children into Teaching: Focused on Activity Plans




Activity plans, Block based programming, Document analysis, Scratch


This research aims to examine the activity plans prepared by pre-school teacher candidates for block-based Scratch applications in terms of their general characteristics and educational qualities. For this purpose, the research was carried out based on document review. The research group, consisting of 29 pre-school teacher candidates, participated in a 10-week block-based Scratch training. During this training process, prospective teachers were asked to prepare projects and activity plans for science and mathematics education achievements in the Scratch program. The data of the research were collected through the activity plans prepared by the teacher candidates. Descriptive and content analysis methods were used to analyze the 29 data collected. In this context, it is seen that among the activity plans prepared by prospective teachers regarding their success in science and mathematics education, the most relevant activity types belong to the 48-72 months and the most are science activities. In activity plans, Scratch applications are mostly included in the measurement/evaluation section. As a result of the content analysis conducted to examine the activity plans in terms of educational qualities, 5 themes were reached. Within the scope of the theme based on child-centered approach, it is seen that they mostly support student-centered teaching strategies and teachers take on roles appropriate to child-centered teaching strategies. It was concluded that within the scope of science theme, it most often requires learning, understanding and using basic science concepts and/or big science ideas and the use of process skills. Within the scope of the mathematics theme, it is stated that it requires learning, understanding and using basic mathematical concepts at most. In the theme of supporting collaborative learning, it was concluded that teamwork was not supported most often and that the majority of cooperative learning groups did not have individual responsibility. Among the themes of supporting scientific communication, it was concluded that students should mostly convey science concepts. Within the scope of the theme of supporting scientific communication, it includes the most discussion strategy requirements and the most small group/individual work. It seems that the most common teaching method is interactive games.


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