Criticism of the Effect of Green Cover Change on Air Quality with i-Tree Canopy (Bursa-Osmangazi Region Sample)




Air pollution, Bursa, i-Tree Canopy, Land use cover, UNESCO


Anything that reflects the ethnicity of a society that has aesthetic and visual textures transferred from past generations to the present day, that is universally accepted, that contains abstract and concrete concepts, and that is intended to be preserved and transferred to future generations is called "cultural heritage". Today's urbanism continues to develop around the settlements of ancient civilisations, which are accepted as cultural heritage. Today, migration from villages to cities has increased and population density in cities has shown a rapid upward trend. The destruction of green areas due to rapid urbanisation has increased visibly and has made smart cities with green areas obligatory. In smart urbanisation, practical methods are sought to quickly identify green areas and determine the benefits provided by these areas. The most widely used software for measuring tree canopy cover is i-Tree Canopy, which allows urban planners to quantify the ecosystem services and benefits of tree communities and forests at multiple scales, including pollution reduction, carbon sequestration and storage, and runoff reduction. Within the scope of the study, the changes on green areas such as urbanisation, industrialisation, increase in transportation networks brought about by population growth in the historical city centre of Bursa and the negative and positive effects of these changes were examined. In the study, the time-dependent changes of green areas in urban heritage and urban planning were determined with GIS (Geographical Information Systems) techniques, and suggestions were developed for existing and new green areas to be planned in the city.

Author Biography

Burak Arıcak, Bursa Technical University

Bursa Technical University, 

Faculty of Forestry

Department of Forest Engineering


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